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It is hard to say you have mastered Usui Reiki very well just right after the 1-day attunement course. Because practicing Reiki is like driving, we know that we have to continue driving more to feel confident about driving after you got the license.

Unfortunately, there are some people who give up on Reiki even after taking a Reiki attunement course. What is the reason?

1.They didn't know that Reiki needs practice 

2.They couldn't find the place to practice Reiki 

3.They couldn't feel enough Reiki 

But wait! So here we want to hold group Reiki practice sessions with you.

Are you Reiki practitioner who learnt Reiki in the different Reiki school? Some group Reiki practice sessions are also open for those who took the course in the different school, for more details, please inquire.

*We suggest you attend at least 2-3 times of group practice sessions after you completed 1st attunement course.


We are holding monthly group Reiki practice sessions for those who completed Reiki Attunement Course.

It is good idea to raise your Reiki energy flow in your body by attending this group practice session, so join us whenever you can!

Why do we want to recommend these group Reiki practice sessions?

Because we often hear the Reiki students' opinions something like these below.


*I received attunement course, but rarely try Reiki on other people so I don't remember how I can apply Reiki anymore.

*So many things I learned from the course, but I don't have chance to practice all of them.

*I want to know how the other Reiki students practice Reiki, but I don't have any chance before.


And also, we have lots of positive feedback for group Reiki practice sessions after they attended group sessions,


*I thought practicing is something like training seriously, but actually I really felt I got healed myself from practice. I felt very calm and comfortable!

*I attended Reiki practice sessions, not only I could brush up my Reiki skills, but I could also solve my personal problem!

*Originally, I want to cancel the group practice sessions, because I didn't feel well on that day, but I recovered after attending group Reiki practice! I noticed this is because I could improve my energy level by practicing Reiki.

*It was good that I feel confidence now about Reiki and distance healing.


So why not practice Reiki?

*What can I get benefit from group Reiki practice?

-You can receive advice from Reiki teacher
-You are supported to change yourself from 'not practicing Reiki often' to 'can apply Reiki easily!'
-You will know/feel the energy more clearly
-You can receive attunement (Short-attunement) again (It is good to clear up your Reiki energy passage)

-You can also receive healing so you will feel less stress/calm and comfortable

Weekly ONLINE group Reiki

Weekly ONLINE Reiki 

Let's practice Reiki breathing & self-healing together and feel the power of group Reiki! 

ONLINE group Reiki

ONLINE symbols practice

This session is for Level 2 or above 

Reiki Cafe

Reiki Cafe 

This session is open for anybody,

fun and recharging session

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