Weekly ONLINE Reiki Session
Meet online and try Reiki breathing & self-healing together
Let's meet online and practice Reiki breathing and self-healing together!
Anybody can join
This session is highly recommended if you are in the following conditions.
1. I want to increase calm and peaceful time in the day
2. I learnt Usui Reiki but never or rarely practice Reiki breathing or/and self-healing
3. I want to have speedy recovery
4. I want to improve my meditation practice
5. I want to raise quality of my performance
6. I want to get more inspiration
With Reiki (Reiki is directly working with your energy), you can experience very powerful and healing body and mind in this group session.
*Please join zoom meeting room on or before the time, the room is open before 5mins
*Please note that if you are late, you may not be able to enter the room or need to wait for longer time to join.
*Please turn your video on for practice, however, if you are not possible to turn your video on, you can participate with no video by notifying the Reiki teacher before the session.
*You cannot make up sessions
<Image of the session below>

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李思 臼井靈氣導師
Lee See Elizabeth 李思臼井靈氣導師以普通話授課
你的嗜好是什麼-享受生活 。
給參與者的訊息 - 在我們的日常生活中應用靈氣即有趣、又實用且是最簡單的增強靈氣力量的方法
上課時間表: 星期二晚上9pm - 9.45pm (Hong Kong time)

Maddy Usui Reiki Teacher
Madelyn Usui Reiki Teacher will conduct English speaking weekly Online group session.
Zodiac: Capricorn
Favorite Food: Japanese style Buddha bowl
Hobby: reading, yoga, Reiki
Message: let’s experience the beauty of Reiki together
Time: 10am - 10.45am Wednesday (Hong Kong time, +GMT8) or 6 - 6.45pm Tuesday (Oregon USA time)

Satoe Usui Reiki Teacher

Fun Lee 臼井靈氣導師
Fun Lee 臼井靈氣導師以粵語授課
給參與者的消息 : "從內在改變自己,觀察周遭的世界隨著你內在的光芒而改變"
上課時間表: 星期日晚上9pm - 9.45pm (Hong Kong time)