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Level 1 Usui Reiki Attunement 

This is the first level of Usui Reiki, everybody should start from this level even you are talented. You will get ready to pass Reiki energy from your palm, your Reiki teacher will assist you to do so by giving attunement. There is no harm by receiving attunement. Don't worry if you are not healthy right now, no problem about practicing Reiki afterwards.

FAQ 1  Can I become a Reiki master immediately after taking Level 1 course?

Answer: No, you only got ready to pass Reiki energy flow from the palm after completing Level 1. You still need to get to practice after the attunement course.

FAQ 2 What if only I failed to received the attunement?

Answer: Don't worry you will be definitely able to pass Reiki energy well. Of course your Reiki teacher will assist you, please continue your practice even you couldn't feel anything at the beginning. Let's say maybe you need 3 months to get familiar with Reiki. Please also join our group Reiki practice. 

FAQ 3 What type of people sign up Level 1 Usui Reiki Attunement Course?

Most heard Reason 1st : Because I am interested in self healing, improving myself by Reiki, to be able to perform Reiki 

2nd : Because my family or friends are sick so I want to learn Reiki healing and help them 

3rd : I wanted to make sure what Reiki energy is, its effect

4th : Because I learn Reiki at other school, so I want to know more correct information about Japanese traditional style Usui Reiki

5th : I am already a Usui Reiki teacher but I still have doubt about Reiki 

6th : I want to work as Reiki professional in near future, or aim to become a Reiki teacher with Japan Reiki Association

FAQ 4 Can I take Level 1 and 2 without taking any gap?

Answer : The best if you can do 21days self healing practice before you come to Level 2. However, if you are in hurry you can take both levels without taking any gap. (You will do 21days self healing even after taking level 2) 

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