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Receive Reiki healing

Private On-Site Whole-Body Reiki Session

Reiki therapy is especially recommended if you have following conditions.


◎Exhausted physically and mentally 


◎Feel low energy


◎Stress, frustrations


◎Pain and Body Stiff


◎Negative emotions such as anger, worries, fear, attachment


◎Enhance your natural healing ability


◎Suffering incurable disease and want to try alternative therapy. *However, Reiki therapy is not medical, please consider applying Reiki for boosting up your body energy for health and well-being.



What to expect during private reiki healing session?
*First lie down on massage table, with fully clothed.
*Close your eyes and relaxed
*Then reiki practitioner will lightly place the hands on various key parts of the body to pass the reiki energy.

*Japanese Hands Reiki techniques will be applied for the parts with the stiff.
*You may feel heat or sensation of tingling where the hands are placed or through out of the body (It is normal that some people not to feel anything at all)
*After the treatment, we will discuss the energy balance

*You will also be provided instant breathing guidance and "Clearing and Tuning" process besides receiving Reiki treatment on the massage table.


Is Reiki not massage? What is the difference?

Reiki therapy is mainly helping your body energy boosted, this is different from massage, lymphatic treatment or body slimming or body realignment. 

Like we charge our mobile phone, our body energy will also need to be charged, that what Reiki therapy can help.


"Reiki" in Japanese means life force and the source of our vitality. 


After your body energy is filled with Reiki therapy, you may realize that 


"I feel a great relief physically and mentally"

"I think less and became very calm"


There are no such things like "I am not compatible with Reiki energy", because everybody has this energy and Reiki energy is such well balanced and full of harmony energy, it's also different from qigong or other psychic therapy



What is the professional Reiki treatment like? 


"Private Reiki treatment session was so much difference from what I experienced when I joined group Reiki practice session"


So please enjoy "me time" with our professional Reiki treatment! 



“赤ちゃんの事で忙しくて自分の時間が取れなかっ たこと、産後は肌荒れがひどく悩みの種でそれが理由で、セッションを受けました。この遠隔で受 けれるレイキトリートメント個人セッションが大変役立ちました。 遠隔セッションということで、 場所に関係なく、 また無駄な外出も避けることができ、なんといっても私の産後の睡眠不足やスト レス、疲労回復にとても効果がありました。産後に受ける直接のマッサージよりもこのセッション を受けてよかったと今は満足しています。また肌 荒れの方も7回目のセッションで改善がみられました! 日本在住・太田香織さんより”


"Welcoming & nice atomosphere, open-minded people, good place to become very energized."


"After Reiki session, I don't have the trouble of sleeping at all! "

Wendy Zhang

ONLINE Virtual Distance Reiki healing session 

Distance - Virtual Reiki treatment Whole body session enables you receive Reiki healing at home safely.


1. Please book online and request the time for the appointment.

2. Please also fill the form 'Client intake form' before your session and send.

3. We will send zoom link to your email, please check and let us know if you couldn't find it

4. Brief explanation and questions before the session begins

5. Lie down on your bed/sofa/comfortable chair to receive Reiki 

6. After the session, get the advice same day or next day about your energy condition and maybe the healing process will be lasting for few hours or some more days, it depends on the conditions

7. If you didn't feel anything during the session, don't worry, Reiki is still working to boost your energy flow for balance.


**Highly recommend having virtual distance Reiki healing session in case you just out from the hospital and hard to access to the site.

**You can also discuss about the packages to have multiple sessions for further improvement

**First session is 50mins and 30mins follow up from 2nd session, package is available.


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