What does Reiki volunteering give us?
What do you imagine when you heard the word "volunteer"?
Reiki volunteering activity is something different from what you imagine normally. It's a wonderful opportunity for Reiki students to practice Reiki on someone who needs the great help.
I was not able to operate Reiki volunteering for about 5 years due to covid restrictions, now the activities open again!
I love people faces that are always changing with Reiki - especially "Reiki train", the name what I called is exactly I took from one of my favorite manga which was talking about "train" that describes the numbers of people are putting their hands on the people shoulders in front of them and massage, Reiki train is the Reiki not massage but we practice with same style.

Here is the elderly center in Shatin, I haven't back here for 5 years, sometimes I witnessed the elderly was not happy when they just entered the room, but once we start the session and Reiki started spreading to entire room by our practice, their faces become more relaxed, and the atmosphere is changing to more peaceful and calmer.
What is Reiki? What is Reiki volunteer? It's not just easy to describe but I want to tell you this is "reconnections, harmony and energizing", even someone came with physical disability that unlikely getting better just by single session, we could still see immediate emotional changes with Reiki.
Many elderly also told us that they had very good sleep after the session. Last time one of the elderly told me that she was seeing a Chinese doctor to get the sleep herbal medicine, but she still couldn't sleep for long time, she could finally sleep after she came to our Reiki session.
Myself always had a very wonderful feeling after the volunteering, which motivated me a lot and energizing, and I surprised that I also slept very well too after the visiting - even I thought I had no sleep issue at all, simply I could wake up next morning with light body and head, I experienced less body pain, yay!
Dear Reiki volunteering, thank you for coming with me to the center - I look forward to doing it again!

Written by Satoe Sasaki