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Yoko Tsuji, Chairman of Japan Reiki Association

Yoko Tsuji  
President of NPO Japan Reiki Association (Japan) 辻耀子 NPO日本靈氣協會 理事長

At the age of 25, Yoko became terminally ill.  The doctors gave her only half a year ...

During this time, she came across Usui Reiki.  Most of the Reiki practitioners were practicing the Western-style Usui Reiki in Japan and therefore acquired the first and the second degree of this Western-style method and started treating herself diligently.  Interestingly, all through her self-healing, she did not feel any vibrations, therefore she was ready to quit Reiki. 

Then, six months passed.  And at the age of 28 she found out that she was completely cured of the disease!

She decides to pursue counselling and returns with full zest to Usui Reiki at the age of 30.  She then continues to study traditional Reiki with Hyakuten Sensei and later Doi Sensei under whom she is attuned.  Doi Sensei and Hyakuten Sensei are the two leading Masters of Usui Reiki in Japan.

Aside from her responsibilities as the President of the Japan Reiki Association (NPO), Yoko is occupied with her own business.  She continues to practice Reiki in her profession as a psychological counselor and instructor at her Psychological Analysis School.


She is a Registered Medical Practitioner (Indian Board of Alternative Medicine ) and of course holds the Shihan (Teacher's Degree).

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Satoe Sasaki, Manager of Hong Kong Chapter of Japan Reiki Association

Satoe Sasaki, Chapter Manager of NPO Japan Reiki Association (Hong Kong)  笹木里絵 NPO日本靈氣協會香港支部 支部長

Born in Tokyo, live in HK over the decades after her marriage, live with her Chinese husband and 2 kids, 2 cats, she says that her life has been very interesting and wonderful but it took her several years to feel happiness with her life in Hong Kong. Without her encounter with Reiki, maybe her life was totally different that she still regrets her father's death and her marriage and continuous challenging life in Hong Kong..


She believes every people life is so different and very unique, with Reiki, we all can increase our potential to make our life more meaningful and maximize the happiness.


She became Reiki teacher in 2010 in Tokyo at NPO Japan Reiki Association, she teaches Reiki in Hong Kong more than 10 years.


Besides Reiki, she loves sports, however, she couldn't do since her bad knee injury when she was teenager, Reiki helps and she recovered, she back to sports since 2019, she does marathon and Dragon boating.

Since Hong Kong is international city, people who came to learn Reiki with her are also very international. Several Reiki students from Satoe now open the overseas chapter of Japan Reiki Association. 


She gave Reiki talk at Cancer Funds in 2013 and Can Survive in 2014 following by series of Reiki volunteer activities with elderly and homeless in Hong Kong. She became a Reiki Shihan in 2010 from NPO Japan Reiki Association.

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Fun Lee Usui Reiki Teacher

Fun Lee 臼井靈氣導師 ファン・リー NPO Japan Reiki Association (Hong Kong) NPO日本靈氣協会香港支部





只要在網上搜尋,就會發現傳授靈氣的課程很多。我跟很多同學一樣,不知應選哪位導師,也試過透過朋友推蔫。然而,我還是希望找到最傳統、最純粹的靈氣課程。就是這樣,我找到了Sasaki Satoe老師。






感恩臼井甕男大師發現靈氣並將之無私傳授,感恩遇上Sasaki Satoe老師,讓我學習踏實地在生活中實踐靈氣。




Fun Lee, Usui Reiki Teacher


Reiki, transformed me.


After learning aromatherapy and Bowen Therapy in early years, I wanted to learn more about natural therapy, especially healing with bare hands.  Reiki is which I wanted to apply as another method of natural therapy.


Like many other people who want to learn Reiki, I was not sure where to find the most proper Reiki class to learn.  I asked my friend for recommendations but I thought I need to go for the most original, traditional and pure Reiki class.  This strong believe somehow led me to Master Sasaki Satoe. 


I sincerely invite you to join us to find tranquility and peace by the help of Reiki. 

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