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Learn Usui Reiki

NPO Japan Reiki Association attunement courses teach you Usui Reiki both in Japanese traditional style and western style, and our school teaches you Usui Reiki in English / Chinese / Japanese, the student will get textbook in each language according to which class they have registered. Our course is fully focused on Usui Reiki Therapy and Reiki-ho (Reiki method) to practice for your spiritual enhancement. 

To improve your Reiki skill after the course, please attend our group Reiki practice sessions after the attunement courses and get familiar with Reiki practice. 

Usui Reiki Level 1

This is the first level of Usui Reiki, everybody should start from this level even you are talented. You will get ready to pass Reiki energy from your palm, your Reiki teacher will assist you to do so by giving attunement. There is no harm by receiving attunement. Don't worry if you are not healthy right now, no problem about receiving & practicing Reiki afterwards.

Usui Reiki Level 2

This is a level where you can use Reiki more conveniently. Learn mainly about Reiki healing & Reiki therapy techniques for others. Only you learn western and Japanese traditional symbols here in our association. Learn distance Reiki healing in this level.

Usui Reiki Level 3

This level is also called that reaching to "satori" (enlightenment) status, which you can't find the content in major Usui Reiki Western Style. This is the level where you learn the essence of Reiki. Here are the comments from Reiki students. 

1 : Why am I drawn to people who are negative? I finally understood the meaning of Level 1 Usui Reiki. I also know how to avoid it.

2 : Why does practicing Reiki lead to personality growth? I understood not only the mechanism but also how to do it.

3 : I was able to understand Reiki on a real level, not just in terms of love, miracles, or spirituality.

4 : About what Reiki is made sense to me, so I also understood the influence of the energy surrounding us and how to control it.
5 : I can now see the direction of my life, what I want to do, the meaning of life, and what I should do.

6 : I was convinced about the state of self-actualization that lies beyond Reiki therapy and how to utilize the subconscious mind.

© NPO Japan Reiki Association Hong Kong chapter

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